Okay so I am going to continue with my first post and talk a bit more about why and what I am blogging. Just in case it wasn't clear, LOL.
So I mentioned this is my transition year, but that sounds so misleading. I mean I am so NOT saying that after this year I will have figured anything out. I am just trying to put it out there in a "conscious" way. I think that my last conscious decision was to stay home with my first child. Since then almost 8 years ago I have been in a state of reaction. I did not handle sleep deprivation, hormone changes, and daily life from two "extreme personality" kids very well. Only now that they are both in school 6 1/2 hours a day do I finally think that I am thinking again. We all joke about mommy brain, and I believe that researchers all deny its existence or attribute it to other things, but I feel like I am waking up for the first time in a LONG time. So this "transition" year of 39 is just my way of saying that I need to stop reacting and start taking charge.
I have been reading some self-help and I have a background in counseling. I realized a few months ago that I had to consciously focus on my life. I started to analyze where I was out of balance. I firmly believe that human beings can use the wheel of life to understand themselves. If you Google _Wheel of Life examples you find many worksheets to help illustrate it. But essentially it is made up of areas like family/friends/social relationships, purpose/work/charitable/volunteering, creativity/hobbies/entertainment, financial/money management/income, and wellness/mental health/physical health/spiritual growth. When we get focused on only one or two aspects then we get out of balance, some areas get too much emphasis and other areas not enough, and our wheel gets broken. I had felt for a long time that I felt like I had a flat tire. Have you ever watched someone driving their car down the interstate at 75 miles an hour and realized they were using a donut? I felt like I was driving at 75 miles an hour and didn't know enough to stop and put on the donut! These are the crisis points from this last year - Jason (my husband's heart attack), my brother's death (we lost him to mental illness & suicide), my on going health concerns, and the constant issues from raising two kids. I felt like health and family have become way over emphasized in my life. These are very important aspects but I needed to devote time and energy else where too. Thus I am starting a blog to talk about those areas. Hmm, am I getting away from those areas or just focusing on them more? Well we shall see.